Wednesday, October 24, 2012

News from Big Woods

Today me and a fellow "intaker" Mr. Ed started to construct a path for one of the houses, and we have been working on that for some of this morning, and later this afternoon will pick up the other items we need to complete the path. Joseph Summers (FMC president) will be putting on a retreat at Notre Dame, a public high school in Crowley. All of the singles involved with intake will be at; and will be participating in the retreat! This weekend we are going to be heading to New Orleans for a mini mission trip,  David & Lisa Yarborough will be leading the trip and we will be visiting different places, and doing different ministries we are all anticipating it! So keep that in your prayers please!
God bless you all,

Monday, October 22, 2012

My intake

Hello everyone! So this is my very first blog post, i have never had a blog before so this should be a lot of fun! I am currently in intake and i am very busy with everything that intake i presenting to me every day! We are praying as a community, working together, cleaning together, laughing together and all that's in-between!
Praise the Lord i am doing very well! Our intake is going to make a trip to New Orleans for a weekend, we are all excited and are looking forward to the great ministry! I am going to leave you all now, for there is much to be done! God bless you all!